Istanbul needs a revolution in terms of art. Even though there are many developments in terms of art, it is not enough for people who like to live with art.

The lack of art spaces is a significant problem for everyone in the city. However, the most significant gap is with independent art spaces in Istanbul.

All the independent art spaces are trying to fund their own exhibitions. They are trying to do something by themselves. However, in other countries those kinds of institutions or art spaces find themselves a fund-raising body. In Turkey the main problem occurs from the lack of funding for art.

There are no proper art magazines; usually, the only art magazine you can find is one without any pictures and full of very academic articles.

There are not enough independent art spaces and most galleries are not open to every artist.

As a result, both artists and the audience suffer in Turkey.

When this is combined with commercialism’s latest intentions on art, the picture gets worse and worse.

Each day, Istanbul’s burgeoning art scene, on the other hand, is aware of the danger between commerce and artistic expression.

Art is the main wheel of commerce yet art venues are also insufficient. This creates another problem. Major art events have started to take place in auction houses, which is not a healthy situation for Turkish contemporary art.

There should be more independent art spaces in Istanbul, as these would give artists the chance to utilize experimental hubs for ideas and new artistic disciplines.

Independent art spaces should create their own values in art, staying autonomous while eschewing collaboration with other that would risk this independence.

With these kinds of developments, the art scene could develop and create new artists, new places and new magazines for art.

After all these developments, art spaces will be able to find funding and create their own style in art.

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