Two art venues support two phases of art production

Gallery owner Kerimcan Güleryüz is a true gem hunter in terms of finding and unveiling artists who are unfamiliar to the Turkish contemporary art scene. Art galleries function on different models and these models are in the end business models, says Güleryüz, but he also says he has never been a big fan of market-friendly […]

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Artist adorns women issues in the world with using fabrics

As an artist Güneş Terkol uses fabric to tell her stories with responsibility and maturity. The stories Terkol tells audiences focus on women’s issues. However, Terkol does not present women’s issues, violence against women and discrimination against women like any other artist. She does it with care and with sobriety and prefers to sew fabrics […]

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Businessman eyes supports art via his hotel and holding

Young businessman İsmet Ömer Öztanık not only likes art, but also wants to be part of the Istanbul’s art activities. “I am a collector, but more than this I would like to support artists and open a new dimension in terms of being an arts patron. “I am interested in art. Before establishing Avantgarde Hotel […]

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Salt venues open new season with three shows

SALT is opening three exhibitions on Sept 21. While Hassan Khan takes on music and video, ‘Performance of Modernity: AKM, 1946-1977’ exhibition will focus on urban transformation issues The two branches of one of Istanbul’s most prominent galleries will kick off their new season tomorrow with exhibitions that run the spectrum from experimental music to […]

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Kutluğ Ataman surfing outside the periphery of the art scene

Artist Kutluğ Ataman always aims to stay away from the ever-developing art market and art scene. He explains why he has begun working with Gallery Mana in Istanbul and about his new projects As an artist Kutluğ Ataman wants to create stories about others and about his own life, while trying remain on the periphery […]

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Borusan Music House hosts artists in public studio

stanbul’s Borusan Music House is currently playing home to two artists. DJ Arkın Allen, mainly known as a musician by the name of “Mercan Dede” in Turkey, and Canadian Carlito Dalceggio are working in Borusan Music House and using the venue as a public studio. Dalceggio and Arkın are mainly known for artistic creations in […]

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Rewriting history with art

SALT is presenting its second collaboration exhibition with Van Abbemuseum. The exhibition focuses on the years between 1968 and 1989, bringing together Turkish and Northern Europe artists The second collaboration exhibition between SALT and Van Abbemuseum, “Istanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: 68-89,” opened on April 20. The works featured capture the periods between 1968 and 1989. However, there […]

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İnsan olmanın özü performans sanatında ortaya çıkıyor

İsviçre asıllı performans sanatçısı Clarina Bezzola’nın ‘Ters Yüz’ adlı gösterisi, Art Basel’den önce İstanbul’daki Galeri Zilberman’da sergilendi. Bezzola, öncesinde performans sanatının onun için ne anlama geldiğini anlattı. Clarina Bezzola, 15 yaşından beri ilk önce müzik olmak üzere, sanatın birçok farklı yönüyle uğraşmış bir sanatçı. Yıllar süren sanat serüvenine 2001 yılında performans sanatıyla devam etmeye karar […]

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Play-Doh and Pigs: Hamra Abbas in Istanbul

Istanbul’s Pilot Gallery is currently exhibiting a different kind of portraits. It is the work of Pakistani artist Hamra Abbas, born in Kuwait and currently splitting her time between Boston and Islamabad, who uses play-doh to comment on society. Her series “Idols” showcase different people from all over the world. To make the portraits, Abbas […]

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Discovering the inner self via performance art

Performance artist Clarina Bezzola is at her best when she is performing. Visiting Istanbul to perform at Gallery Zilberman, Bezzola once again hopes to wow the audience with her unique costumes and style. Her performance in Turkey will be a preview of a piece titled “Inside-Out,” which is headed to Art Basel 2012, the piece […]

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