Revealing where ‘they’ come from through a labyrinth

In Gallery Non’s new show, the visitor first encounters a white wall, representing the start of a labyrinth. Writing on this wall tells the viewer, “If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it,” a quotation from ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. This is only a hint of what the audience will see […]

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Discovering the world of art through surreal poetic words

Nicolas Pol is more a poet than a visual artist. His paintings come to him through words. Currently in Turkey to attend the opening of his exhibition “Epekstasis” at the Istanbul ‘74 gallery, Pol tells how he is inspired by reading and writing poetry. Nicolas Pol always uses words to create his works or to […]

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Turkey’s young artists living without support

Young artists in Turkey have a hard life. They require financial support from their families or have to sell their work in order to survive. Neither option is easy The Istanbul Biennial drew large numbers of visitors while the Contemporary Istanbul Fair celebrated record sales. But as Turkish contemporary art becomes increasingly popular internationally, young […]

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Turkish and Japanese art meets on washi paper

Washi, a type of paper made in Japan, is commonly made using fibers from the bark of the gampi tree, bamboo, hemp, rice, and wheat. Now, washi paper will Turkish and Japanese cultures to meet.  Artist Aynur Küçükyalçın’s works at the Tolga Eti Gallery aim to create a relationship between the two cultures and make […]

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Fuat Çağatay directing his gaze toward nature

Artist Fuat Cağatay likes to search for the deeper meaning of nature and tries to reflect this with his drawings.Çağatay’s current exhibition opened this week at A.R.K. Kültür in Cihangir. The exhibition entitled “Breath to Breath with Nature” (Doğa ile Nefes Nefese) will continue until Nov. 9. “I have tried to handle these drawings with […]

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Auction season starts for art lovers

Auction houses this year are aiming high with new and old works of Turkish art. While last year they saw good sales even though there was a global crisis, this year they are targeting high sales.The auction season starts with three events that will be held by Antik A.Ş. and Beyaz Auction house between Nov. […]

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Claude Shcopp, Dumas’nın izinde

Sabah Kitap-21 Ağustos 2008-   Yıllardır büyük Fransız romancısı Alexandre Dumas’nın izini süren, onun yayımlanmamış metinlerini en ince detayına kadar inceleyen Fransız araştırmacı Claude Schopp’un yeni Dumas romanlarını yayına hazırlama macerasını HATİCE UTKAN anlatıyor. Claude Schopp 2005 yılında Dumas’nın yayımlanmamış roman bölümlerini birleştirmeyi başardı: Le chevalier de Sainte- Hermine (Saint Hermine’in Şövalyesi). Bu romanla Schopp, […]

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