Jan 7- Feb 15
Friday, January 7, 2011
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News
Sanatorium is hosting the works of Yağız Özgen, a student at Marmara University’s Fine Arts Faculty, who is charting a distinctive path in Turkish contemporary art with works that reveal the use of technology through various forms.
In his first solo exhibition “C:/still_life,” Özgen transforms user interfaces into objects to watch by purging them of their instrumental qualities. The artist, who is also working with methods such as computer-based images, videos, and performances, problematizes the subject matter of what user interfaces essentially are or are not by treating them as still-lifes or landscapes through conventional methods. He presents an aesthetics reduced to a watchpoint consisting of icons instrumentalized as indicators of contents and files archived to conserve information.
The event is the first exhibition of 2011 and all coincides with Sanatorium Art Initiative Contemporary Art Gallery’s second anniversary.