The new exhibition “Display windows” will be on for the next month at Apel, holding a mirror up to window displays and their efforts to sell a wide range of products.
The choice of objects for exhibition, and the way in which they are displayed, gives cause for pause.
The works remind viewers of the range of variations in the display window of our everyday life today, from restaurant windows featuring women dressed in regional costume and making some local dish to virtual display sites such as Facebook and Twitter, which force us to question the fine line between exhibition and exhibitionism and to think about the power relationship between the exhibitor and the exhibited.
In the present show, Gallery Apel leaves the viewer face to face with the image of him or herself reflected in such windows. The viewer can find a new edition of his or herself while looking at the works on display at the exhibition.
The joint exhibition gathers artists such as Aydan Baktır, Bayram Candan, Can Göknil, Aslımay Altay Göney, Güler Güngör, Yücel Kale, Kurucu Koçanoğlu, Suzy Hugh Levy, Emre Senan, Elif Süsler, Yıldız Şermet, Hande Varsat, Y. Bahadır Yıldız and Ebru Yılmaz.