It is a well-known fact that Turkish soap operas are successful both domestically and internationally. But their success is not only limited to TV ratings; many accessories worn by soap opera stars create ‘new trends’ and sometimes ‘identity problems’, according to experts

Dressing like a soap opera star or having one of the star’s accessories shows an urge to obtain more than one identity, according to Hüsamettin İnanç, scholar and author of the book “The Identity Problems of Turkey.”

This is the result of postmodern culture and changing societal values, he said. “We usually see those problems in the youth in transitional period of the society that we are currently experiencing,” İnanç said, noting that Turkey was experiencing a transition from tradition to modernity.

“Suddenly, we can observe people who are tending to leave a more traditional life behind and are trying to attain a modern one. In this case we see social deviation and ambiguity,” said İnanç, describing what is called “deviant behavior” in social psychology.

(Hürriyet foto)

Speaking about the tendency to buy the accessories of soap opera stars, İnanç said people were seeking to emulate those they see on TV during this transition period.

This is not only a way of expressing themselves in daily life but is also an indication of trying to be like someone else, İnanç said. “This is an attempt to become the ‘actress’ or the ‘actor’ – to become the protagonist.”

(Hürriyet foto)

Those accessories are on sale online from some prestigious jewelry stores and in stores in Kadıköy and Eminönü. “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century) character Hürrem’s ring, “Aşk-ı Memnu” (Al Eshq Al Mamnoue) character Bihter’s necklace and bracelet and “Adını Koydum Feriha” (I called her Feriha) protagonist Feriha’s ring can all be found on sale. Some websites even sell such accessories under the title “Accessories from the Magnificent Century” or “Bihter’s exclusive accessories.”

“Usually, Turkish people choose these rings,” said Efe Korkut, a clerk in a small accessory store in Kadıköy. Hürrem’s ring is everybody’s favorite, he said, adding that younger people usually bought soap opera accessories while tourists did not.

Even though Hürrem’s ring is the best-selling product in the store, Feriha’s ring and Bihter’s necklace and bracelet are among the best sellers on online shopping sites.

(Hürriyet foto)

“Among young people, this is a kind of ‘searching for identity’ problem. Young people tend to have an identity, which is cool and beautiful, and they need to look like someone,” said adolescent psychiatrist Gürkan Odabaşı. “This is a kind of identification with a soap opera star.”

Pop culture has a big impact on young people, and soap operas are a part of it. In the past, young people were more affected by trends, “but still, there are strong examples such as ‘Kurtlar Vadisi’ [Vadi El Diap].”

There is an urge to become someone who is already accepted by society “because adolescents would like to be accepted by society,” Odabaşı said.

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