Dirimart is hosting German artist Thomas Bayrle’s “Camera degli Sposi – (after Mantegna),” a new show that proves the artist has something to say about popular culture, politics and historical culture.
Bayrle said he was returing to the art scene with “sex and rock ‘n’ roll” after 40 years with “Camera degli Sposi – (after Mantegna).”
“Sixteen works were printed in the 1970s with the name ‘Feuer im Wei…zen/Fire in the Wheat’ in Maerz Verlag, now they are back with big serigraphy prints. I am an old man now and I find it necessary to bring back ‘sex,’ which has been around forever and will continue to be for eternity,” said Bayrle.
Andrea Mantegna is the famous painter who painted the frescoes of Palazzo Ducale in Mantova.
“Camera degli sposi” is a reference to the wedding band, the ring, marriage and the married couple. The theme of sex that is used in this exhibition is tied to the alluded subjects.
“Mantegna would use illusion in his wall paintings; it is possible to notice an illusion that is similar in [my] works,” said Bayrle.
Bayrle prefers to re-comment on the series that focused on the socio-political attitude of 1970s Germany.
Sexual and pornographic images were unusual in Germany in the 1970s, meaning that the artist’s series are quite striking and unusual, experts have said.
Oswald Kolle’s enlightening films about sexuality as well as the fact that Kontret, a conservative magazine of the time, added pornographic images and articles about sex, both contributed immensely to improving and opening a new dimension to the sexual revolution in conservative Germany.