Contemporary Istanbul and Aralık Foundation, with the endorsement of Turkey’s Ministry of National Education, have collaborated in an arts initiative to support a school project for Kilis’ and Syrian children in Turkey. Organized to raise funds for the project, the extensive exhibition, which will take place from 12-13 May at The Sofa Hotel, will host 59 leading contemporary artists.

Burçin Başar

The exhibition during which all purchases of the exhibited works will be used for the financial support of the project hosts: Ahmet Doğu İpek, Ahmet Elhan, Ahmet Güneştekin, Alev Ermiş Mavitan, Ali Bilge Akkaya, Ali Elmacı, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Ali Kotan, Ani Çelik Arevyan, Aras Seddigh, Ardan Özmenoğlu, Ayşegül Süter, Azade Köker, Bahadır Baruter, Bihrat Mavitan, Burcu Perçin, Burçak Bingöl, Burçin Başar, Buğra Erol, Candaş Şişman, Cenk Akaltun, Ebru Uygun, Ekrem Yalçındağ, Ela Cindoruk, Elvan Alpay, Emin Mete Erdoğan, Erkut Terliksiz, Erol Eskici, Guido Casaretto, Gül Kozacıoğlu, Gülay Semercioğlu, Günnur Özsoy, Hale Tenger, İrfan Önürmen, İsmail Acar, Joana Kohen, Kemal Seyhan, Leyla Gediz, Melek Mazıcı, Meltem Işık, Mike Berg, Mithat Şen, Murat Germen, Murat Morova, Murat Palta, Murathan Özbek, Mustafa Horasan, Nazan Pak, Nejat Satı, Nermin Er, Nihat Kemankaşlı, Seçkin Pirim, Serdar Arat, Serkan Adın, Seda Hepsev, Şükran Moral, Tan Mavitan, Yağız Özgen, Yılmaz Aysan, and Yusuf Sevinçli.

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