stanbul’s Borusan Music House is currently playing home to two artists. DJ Arkın Allen, mainly known as a musician by the name of “Mercan Dede” in Turkey, and Canadian Carlito Dalceggio are working in Borusan Music House and using the venue as a public studio. Dalceggio and Arkın are mainly known for artistic creations in which they combine music, performance and painting. This time, however, with their open-to-the-public studio, both artists are experiencing a groundbreaking revolution. Primarily, the idea behind Borusan’s open studio is to present the energy and the feelings of artists as they work to audiences in the wider public.
Arkın and Dalceggio will continue to work in the open studio until the beginning of June, before the exhibition of the two artists opens on May 23. The exhibition will feature 60 works. “However, these works will be in different disciplines, such as installation, music, video, and mixed technique,” said Arkın adding that there would also be 3-D works in the exhibition. The atelier looks like a bohemian 18th century venue, with colorful Buddha and skull figures spread everywhere. The middle of the venue currently exhibits a home made out of cartoons, which will turn into an art work in the future. The two artist’s main aim is to work freely and by sharing their experience with other people. With a camera installed in a fixed location taking their picture, the aim of both once again comes to afore: Instead of closing themselves into a room and creating works in private there, they prefer to open their creativity process to audiences and to everyone. Revolution and Revelation concepts “We have chosen two concepts ‘Revolution’ and ‘Revelation,’” said Arkin, adding that the aim was for the viewer to leave their egos and open up what they have in their soul. “We decided to share these concepts. I took ‘Revelation,’ while Carlito took the ‘Revolution’ concept.” The work of both artists reveals the soul, trying to represent what happens when we do not act according to our egos.
“Revolution” signifies reaching a new state of consciousness through art, and “Revelation” completes this concept. “In ‘Revolution’ we get rid of our masks and what surrounds us as a human being. The inner transformation continues with ‘Revelation,’” said Arkın. Both artists see life and creation as a process of transformation. Their works signify the inner transformations of humans. Their main inspirations are Buddha and Rumi (known as Mevlana in Turkey). The notion of “enlightenment” is thus the main driver of the exhibition. “We are building houses, with four meter high Buddhas,” said Arkın, adding that there would also be voice installations included in them. All of the works will therefore have a story, according to the artists. While Arkın and Dalceggio are creating a mixture of pieces to exhibit, Arkın said they would both write their own names under some works, while also creating partner works. “We are working separately, but in the end the end product reveals itself as a partner work,” he said. The two of them are aiming to meet at a common point. “The audience will both see separate works, but in the end they will witness what has been created in the common ground.” However, another crucial feature of the exhibition is that it will first reveal the separate language of the two artists.
“For me, life is the supreme inspiration. When the channel is open all knowledge finds you,” said Dalceggio. “I always try to keep my channel open, and that’s why I sometimes draw for ten hours a day.” The intellectual background of the exhibition is the result of Arkın and Dalceggio’s friendship over a ten year period; what they talk about, share and desire. During the process that leads them to their common goal, they have worked in the same studio and never separated during the production period. The artists have different lifestyles and work practices, yet they come together around many different things, one of which is music. Music is a hugely important element that holds them together and brings the exhibition to life. During the creative process, coming to an agreement in music – just as in other subjects – Arkın and Dalceggio decided they would change the music without asking or consulting one another. Although their activities and dynamism in the studio varies a lot, it also shows the silent and deep harmony between them.
“The viewers witnessing the process of art’s production is as important to us as people seeing the finished artwork. Instead of the distance a sterile exhibition space puts between the work and the viewer, we want them to see the studio’s chaos and dynamism. We want to share with everyone how the works evolve during the creative process and touch them with the studio.” The “Revolution Revelation” studio can be visited from April 16 to May 10, between Tuesday and Saturday. The exhibition will open on May 23 at Borusan Music House.